Monday, October 18, 2010

My Itty Bitty Nails :(

Few weeks ago I had to cut my long nails... I broke one by accident :( . I'm the type of person that thinks having one nail short than the rest looks weird and not cute at all. So I decided to cut them all.. I felt weird for a few days. But, now they are looking better.. Even though I had them short it was no excuse to make them look pretty :) Here, I leave you with pictures of some of my nail designs.... Hope you all are having a great day :) Take care of your nails :)

Hace unas semanas atras tuve que cortar mis uñas largas... rompi una por accidente :( Soy del tipo de personas que no le gusta tener una uña rota mientras todas las demas estan largas, pienso que se ve algo extraño y no muy atractivo. Entonces, decidi cortarlas todas.. Me senti un poco extraña por unos dias, pero ahora ellas ya se ven mejor.. Aunque, tuve mis uñas cortas no habia excusa para no ponerlas hermosas :) Aqui, les dejo unas cuantas fotos de algunos diseños que hize... Espero esten teniendo un bonito dia :) Cuiden sus uñas :)

Before :) Antes...

After, Despues... :(  but, they still look cute don't they? :)